Sysmex Suisse


Das vollautomatische Digital Imaging System DI-60 ist ein Bildanalysesystem zur Zelldifferenzierung des peripheren Blutausstrichs und ist ebenso für die Zelldifferenzierung von Körperflüssigkeiten geeignet.

Durch die Integration des DI-60 in eine XN-3000- oder XN-9000-Konfiguration kann der komplette Hämatologie-Workflow von der Zellzählung über die Erstellung und Anfärbung der Blutausstriche bis hin zur morphologischen Auswertung durchgehend automatisiert werden.

Standardisierung, Qualität, Sicherheit und Effizienz - alles in einem Analysegerät - in einer Hämatologiekonfiguration oder als Einzelsystem.




This is what the DI-60 consists of

The Sysmex DI-60 is an automated, cell-locating image analysis system. It is connected directly to the analyser track and therefore eliminates the need for manual intervention in the haematology workflow in the imaging cycle.

The device itself consists of an automated microscope, an extremely high quality digital camera and a computer system that collects and pre-classifies cells from stained blood smears. It automatically locates cells on the slide and takes an image of each cell found, after which it analyses and pre-classifies them using advanced image processing. The number of white blood cells that are analysed is user-definable.


This is how the DI-60 works

To perform a differential count with morphology assessment, a thin film of blood is wedged on a glass slide from a peripheral blood sample and stained according to the RAL MCDh, May-Grünwald Giemsa or Wright protocol. With XN, this is done fully automatically by the SP-10 slide maker and stainer module. The DI-60 analyser acquires and pre-classifies the cells, after which the operator verifies and modifies the suggested classification of each cell if necessary. The operator may also introduce additional observations and comments when needed.


This is what the DI-60 analyses

The DI-60 can pre-classify 12 WBC categories. These include segmented and band neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, lymphocytes, atypical lymphocytes, plasma cells, promyelocytes, myelocytes, metamyelocytes, and blast cells. In addition to white blood cells, the system also pre-classifies the following five non-WBC categories: smudge, artefacts, giant platelets, platelet clumps and nucleated red cells. These are reported as the number of NRBC/100 WBC. Cells that are pre-classified with a low confidence level are placed in a category called “Unidentified.”

The device also presents an overview that can be used to characterise red blood cell morphology. Thirty-five images are collected in the optimal RBC examination area for pre-characterising the following characteristics: polychromasia, hypochromasia, anisocytosis, macrocytosis, microcytosis, and poikilocytosis. The system also provides tools that let the user improve the efficiency and consistency of estimating the PLT concentration. All images and results are stored in a database.

Technische Spezifikationen
Technology Artificial Neural Network
Slide identification Barcode labelled slides
Storage capacity Up to 4000 slides per database
Supported Stains

Romanowsky stains

  1.     RAL MCDh stains
  2.     May Grünwald – Giemsa
  3.     Wright
  4.     Wright – Giemsa
WBC Pre-classification segmented and band neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils, metamyelocytes, myelocytes, promyelocytes, blasts, variant lymphocytes, plasma cells
non-WBC: smudge, artefacts, giant platelets, platelet clumps, erythroblasts
RBC Pre-characterisation aniso-, micro- and macrocytosis, poly- and hypochromasia, poikilocytosis
Body Fluid segmented neutrophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes, macrophages (incl. monocytes), basophils, Other
Slide Scan Scanning of user definable areas of a slide
Options Sysmex Remote Review Software
Sysmex Body Fluid application
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Sysmex Suisse AG

Tödistrasse 50

CH-8810 Horgen

+41 44 718 38 38

+41 44 718 38 39

Sysmex Suisse AG

Rue Galilée 15

CH-1400 Yverdon-les-Bains

+41 24 423 93 93

+41 24 423 93 98

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